Poziv na predavanja kolega s Filozofskog fakulteta Skopje, Makedonija, 09. i 10.12.2019., Fond 1, 14.00-15.30 h

Odsjek za arheologiju poziva vas na seriju predavanja kolega iz Makedonije, koja će se održati u slijedećim terminima:

prof. dr.sc. Marjan Jovanov, Institut za istorija na umetnosta i arheologija, Filozofski Fakultet Skopje: Makedonija i Pajonija u antici, utorak, 10. 12. 2019., 14:00-14:45 Fond 1

dr. sc. Nikola Minov, doc., Institut za Istorija, Filozofski fakultet Skopje: Makedonija – povijest zabranjenog imena, utorak, 10. 12. 2019., 14:45-15:30 Fond 1

prof. dr. sc. Antonio Jakimovski, Institut za istorija na umetnosta i arheologija, Filozofski Fakultet Skopje: Teatar u Skupima – kompletna arheološka priča, srijeda, 11. 12. 2019., 15:30-17:00 Fond 1

Open Call – The impact of the political on archaeological research

The impact of the political on archaeological research
A Spring School in the framework of the international research programme
The Construction of Knowledge in Archaeology and Art History in Southeastern Europe
Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia.
6-11 April 2020

How does politics affect archaeological research? Is archaeological thinking political? Should it be? If archaeological discourse was indeed conceived as part of the nationalist project, is there a way to think and practice archaeology outside its ethnic framework? Should archaeology be part of current affairs? Can it really maintain a strictly academic façade in a world where heritage, and the past at large, are fast becoming a political commodity?
This Spring School, scheduled to run for six days, will envisage to tackle these questions (and some more); bringing together senior and junior scholars, from different countries and disciplines, the School will aim to discuss archaeology in the 21st century, under the light of recent theoretical, social and political developments in Southeastern Europe.

Three days of lectures by eminent archaeologists, social historians, and cultural anthropologists on the general topic of “Politics and/within Archaeology” will be followed by a one-day specialist workshop on “The archaeology of ethnic phenomena and the pervasiveness of methodological nationalism”. A colloquium on day five will offer the junior participants the opportunity to present their own work. The School will culminate with a gallery class at Sofia’s National Archaeological Museum. A number of both formal and more informal group discussions will be scheduled throughout, to enable the interaction between participants.

Who may apply
We invite applications from doctoral archaeology and art-history students, recent PhDs and young faculty members (within eight years from obtaining their degree). Applicants (who must be fluent in English) should submit a personal statement of up to 1000 words detailing their research, as well as their reasons for wishing to attend (we expect their research to be related to the theme of the School); a recent cv; a copy of their most recent degree in archaeology, art history or a related discipline; and an abstract of up to 500 words of the specific paper they wish to present at the colloquium. Applicants must be able to demonstrate an academic and/or professional engagement with archaeology in Southeastern Europe, as well as an active interest in the archaeological theory and practice of at least some parts of the region. Successful applicants will be expected to attend all lectures, workshops, group discussions, gallery classes, and any other School meeting or event, as well as present a 20’-paper of their own at the junior scholar’s colloquium. It is hoped that these papers will eventually lead to publishable academic articles or significant portions of the participants’ PhD theses.

Who are we
This Spring School is organized in the framework of an international research Programme on archaeological theory and practice, The Construction of Knowledge in Archaeology and Art History in Southeastern Europe, funded by the Getty Foundation as part of its Connecting Art Histories Initiative and hosted by the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia. Our aim is to explore the regional intellectual potential for change in archaeological theory and practice over the course of three years (2019-2022); we envisage the programme as an opportunity to discuss and implement the research directions archaeologists active in the region wish to follow, and the implications such a paradigm shift might have for the ways the region’s past is understood.

The School is fully funded; successful applicants will have their airfare and accommodation covered by the Programme, and will receive a per diem of 43 USD.

What to do and when
Prospective applicants should send their queries and application materials to Milena Varzonovtseva: varzonovtseva@cas.bg, by 15 December 2019. Successful applicants will be notified by 15 January 2020.

Link: http://cas.bg/en/news/call-for-applications-summer-school-2020-1933.html

Predavanje “Stari slavenski mit u prostoru” 4.12.2019. u 19h (AMZ)

Predavanje Stari slavenski mit u prostoru održat će se 4. prosinca 2019. u 19 h na prvom katu Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu. Predavanje će održati dr. sc. Juraj Belaj (Institut za arheologiju).

Predavanje je obavezno za studente koji pohađaju kolegij Arheologija i povijest srednjeg vijeka. Više o predavanju na poveznici: http://www.amz.hr/hr/izlozbe/izlozbe/avari-i-slaveni/znanstveno-popularna-predavanja/stari-slavenski-mit-u-prostoru/

Natječaj za stipendije zaklade British Scholarship Trust

Natječaj za stipendije zaklade British Scholarship Trust za ASISTENTE i STRUČNE SURADNIKE za znanstveno istraživanje na britanskim sveučilištima u trajanju od jednog (1) do tri (3) mjeseca tijekom akademske godine 2020./2021.

Stipendije su namijenjene kandidatima koji su rođeni nakon 1. listopada 1990.Prednost imaju kandidati koji nisu provodili znanstveno istraživanje u inozemstvu i kandidati koji imaju prihvatno pismo od ustanove u Velikoj Britaniji.

Rok za prijavu: 28. veljače 2020.

Informacije: https://mzo.gov.hr/istaknute-teme/natjecaji-196/stipendije-zaklade-british-scholarship-trust-za-znanstveno-istrazivanje-na-britanskim-sveucilistima-u-akademskoj-godini-2020-2021/3233