Student archaeology club Faculty of Philosophy University of Zagreb

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Student conference "Warrior in life and death"

Student archaeology club (S.K.A.) organizes a student conference "Warrior in life and death" between 26th February and 1st March in Grad mladih, Zagreb.

The main goal of the conference is to connect students of archaeology on a regional level.


Totalno ouT - Clothing items of archaeological periods

The premiere of “Totalno ouT” project was on April 27th 2004. in SC club in Zagreb. The show was created and organised by the members of the Student Archaeology Club (SKA). On that occasion twelve costumes have been presented; a Neanderthal, two items from the period of the Neolithic, a costume of the Vučedol culture, a costume of the warrior from the Bronze age, a Iapodic costume (from the Iron age), a Celtic warrior costume, a Greek and a Roman costumes, a Slavic costume and finally a costume from the Early Croatian period.


Archaeological Library

The goal of ‘'Archaeological Library'' project is translating and publishing archaeological literature. The basic idea of this project is to make current discussions of world archaeology available in Croatian language, not only to students of archaeology but also to students of sciences related to archaeology such as anthropology, ethnology and linguistics. The professors from the Department of Archaeology are involved in the realization of this project together with the students from the Departments of English and German studies, and the publisher “Konzor” from Zagreb. Students of archaeology are thus given a chance to participate in this project as advisers for archaeological terminology. Their work will be supervised and reviewed by professors from the Department of Archaeology.


International student conference "Archaeology & multidiscipline"

Student archaeology club (S.K.A.) organized a student conference "Archaeology and multidiscipline" that was held between 15th and 18th June 2006 in Dubovac Castle near Karlovac.

The goal of this international student conference is to present the importance of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to science and to encourage that direction of development in archaeology.


Breaking the Surface - BtS 2007

"Breaking the Surface" is a project held from 14th to 24th May 2007. in Murter, on Murter. The project was realized in cooperation of students from Studentski klub arheologa (SKA), CEPOST – Centar za podvodne sustave i tehnologije, non-profit scientific association; BEST – Board of European Students of Technology, LG Zagreb; BIUS – Students of biology from PMF, University of Zagreb.

The project is structured as an interdisciplinary school of sustainable development, exploitment and protection of Croatian seaside and sea bed. Main goals of the project were connecting young researchers, future scientists and students as well as horizontal communication between various scientific disciplines linked by the use of technology in underwater research. "BTS" also promotes team work of various scientific disciplines with the main goal of establishing the "BTS" project through which all participants promote sustainable development, research and acceptance of new methods, strategies and "nature-friendly" technologies in exploring the Adriatic sea.


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