American Journal of Archaeology
The American Journal of Archaeology, the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America, is one of the oldest and most widely circulated journals of archaeology in the world. The scope of AJA is defined as "the art and archaeology of ancient Europe and the Mediterranean world, including the Near East and Egypt, from prehistoric to late antique times."
Antiquity is a quarterly journal of archaeological research. It has been the main journal of international archaeological debate and reporting for 74 years, and aims to present interesting topical and accessible material to a wide audience. Each number - published on the 1st of March, June, September and December - makes a book of about 240 pages. Its world-wide audience reflects its world-wide content. Antiquity readers range from senior students, academics and others actively involved in archaeological research to keen amateurs and adult students, and it is found in all university libraries concerned with archaeology.
A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web
Archaeology Magazine
A publication of the Archaeological institute of America
Athena Review
Athena Review is a journal of archaeology, history, and exploration published quarterly by Athena Publications, Inc. Articles on both Old and New World archaeology are written by a variety of archaeologists, journalists, and other investigators, aimed at a general audience with readership in a number of countries. Each issue combines fully-illustrated feature articles on selected major archaeological regions with coverage of recent finds, plus reviews of books, videos, and internet sites. The website at, free to all, provides on-line articles from each issue along with a growing image archive withphotos, maps, and site plans.
Boletin de Arqueologia Experimental
Dept. Prehistoria y Arqueología, Ciudad Universitaria Cantoblanco, Madrid
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
BMCR publishes timely reviews of current scholarly work in the field of classical studies (including archaeology).
European Archaeology-online
The first Romanian Internet portal dedicated exclusively to archaeology.
Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology
Golden Horn
Journal of Byzantium
Hadashot Arkheologiyot
Excavations and Surveys in Israel
Leeds International Classical Studies
E-journal that publishes articles and interim discussion papers on all aspects of Greek and Roman antiquity, and of the history of the classical tradition.
Living Past
The first Romanian electronic journal of archaeology, edited by the Institute for Cultural Memory.
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
The Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry (MAA) is a interdisciplinary International Journal issued by The University of the Aegean, Department of Mediterranean Studies, Rhodes, Greece.
It focuses in the Mediterranean region and on matters referred to interactions of Mediterranean with neighboring areas, but presents an international forum of research, innovations, discoveries, applications and meetings, concerning the modern approaches to the study of human past.
The American Schools of Oriental Research
Near Eastern Archaeology brings to life the ancient world from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean with vibrant images and authoritative analyses.
Preceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia
Instituto Português de Arqueologia>publicaçöes
Romanian Journal of Archaeology
Archaeological professional association - Romania
Stanford Journal of Archaeology
The Heroic Age
Online journal dedicated to the study of Northwestern Europe from the Late Roman Empire to the advent of the Norman Empire.
A Guide to Underwater Archaeology Resources on the Internet
Aegean Prehistory Web Resources
Ancient Greece
Collection of images, thoughts, and resources about Ancient Greece.
Database contains thousands of reviewed web sites and bibliographic references.
Archaeological Research Resources
Links to historic archaeological web sites, organizations, and archaeology/anthropology web directories pointing to many more Internet resources.
Archaeological Resource Guide for Europe
The WWW Virtual Library for European Archaeology. Searchable guide to on-line web resources for European Archaeology.
Archaeological Resources on the Internet
Archäologie Online
Archäologie Online Guide - Ihr Führer durch den Informationsdschungel hilft Ihnen, Archäologie neu zu entdecken.
Archeologia Italiana
Archeologia Italiana. Otto siti per un unico grande progetto. L'archeologia, arte e storia antica in rete.
Portail de la recherche archéologique en France et les pays francophones sur Internet.
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library for Archaeology
Archaeological Records of Europe - Networked Access
The ARENA search portal allows users to search for sites and monument index data from the ARENA network partners. This is a significant technical advance for searching databases on a European scale.
Barbarians on the Greek Periphery?
Origins of Celtic Art
Centro para el estudio de la interdependencia provincial en la antigüedad clasica
Center for the Study of Architecture/Archaeology
CSA is devoted to advancing the use of computers, computer technologies, and digital information in the service of architectural history, archaeology, and related disciplines.
Classics Resources
Almost all significant sites in the Classics can be accessed from one of three well-organized resource lists, copies of which may be accessed right here. There is Maria Pantelia's Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation; another is The Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology Home Page; the third is J. Ruebel's compilation, Classics Resources. By all means, visit the home page of the Washington University Classics Department.
Digital Archaeology
Digital Archaeology is a new frontier in research and technology implementation of archaeological documentation and interactive fieldwork.
Electronic companion to Archaeology
An introductory book about archaeology for students, or anyone else who would like to start learning about the subject. The book is by Kevin Greene, a senior lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Newcastle in the UK.
Fibules online
Ce site s'intéresse aux fibules. Ce travail a pour vocation de réunir les informations, parfois contradictoires, sur ce thème afin d'en présenter une synthèse, notamment dans le domaine de la classification et de la datation.
Grands sites Archéologiques
Edited by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, France, website hosts a sum of websites concerning pre- and proto-history, ancient and medieval time on the actual teritory of France and outside France. The results of research are designed for both scientist and amateur.
History of the Proto-Bulgarians N and W of the Black Sea
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook
The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook is a companion to the Internet Medieval Sourcebook and the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. The Medieval Sourcebook is both a classroom resource and the largest collection of online medieval texts. The Ancient and Modern Sourcebooks have a different role: since there are already ample online repositories of texts for these periods, the goal here is to provide and organize texts for use in classroom situations. Links to the larger online collections are provided for those who want to explore further.
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
The Internet Medieval Sourcebook is organized as three main index pages, with a number of supplementary documents. Each individual section is still large - an organizational goal here is to avoid incessant "clicking" to get between pages and to information.
jungsteinSITE: Informationen zur Neolithikum-Forschung
Die jungsteinSITE bietet eine wissenschaftliche Informations- und Diskussionsplattform für aktuelle archäologische Fragestellungen und Forschungsprojekte. Das thematische Spektrum umfasst alle Aspekte der Jungsteinzeit-Forschung; der geographische Schwerpunkt liegt im mitteleuropäischen Raum. Die Beiträge stammen in der Regel aus erster Hand, d.h. von Wissenschaftlern, die in den dargestellten Projekten federführend bzw. in den jeweiligen Forschungsfeldern wissenschaftlich tätig sind.
(Language of the articles is mainly German, but for most articles English summaries and figure captions are available.)
Lex Antica
Information resource for anyone with an interest in ancient law and politics.
Libera is a database incorporating primarily archaeological literature. It encompasses the time ranging from the 5/6th century till the 10/11th century in the region of Europe, the Near East and North Africa. The problematics are concentrated on the Slavs. It consists only of publications in the library of the Institute of Archaeology (Scientific Research Center at the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The records also include keywords. The database is intended only as a starting point for researching particular problems.
Open Context
Free, open access resource for the electronic publication of primary field research from archaeology and related disciplines. Open Context provides an integrated framework for users to search, explore, analyze and compare items from diverse field projects and collections.
Perseus Digital Library
Perseus is an evolving digital library, engineering interactions through time, space, and language. Our primary goal is to bring a wide range of source materials to as large an audience as possible. We anticipate that greater accessibility to the sources for the study of the humanities will strengthen the quality of questions, lead to new avenues of research, and connect more people through the connection of ideas.
2000 years of history in ceramics at your fingertips.
radiocarbon WEB-info
This resource is designed to provide online information concerning the radiocarbon dating method. We hope it will be of occasional use to radiocarbon uses and interested students alike.
SARC-Stone age reference collection
Server of East-European Archaeology
Stone Pages
Web guide to Megalithic Europe
The Balkans in Prehistory
The first specialized Web site on Balkan Prehistory
The Comparative Archaeology web
The History Journals Guide
The History Journals Guide is an international directory for jounals and discussion lists in the fields of history and archaeology.
The Microarchaeology of Social Practice
The microarchaeological project started out by a disappointment caused by the lack of operative theories of social agency and practice in archaeology. Microarchaeology combine strands of thought, methodology and practice independent of their origin, most notably Sartres theory of serial action, Foucaults "archaeology" and the structuration theory of Giddens. The theoretical foundation is thus neither processual nor postprocessual in character, but build upon poststructuralist theory enhanced with a necessary touch of constructionism.
The Online Medieval and Classical Library
The Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMACL) is a collection of some of the most important literary works of Classical and Medieval civilization.
The Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean
This site contains information about the prehistoric archaeology of the Aegean. Through a series of lessons and illustrations, it traces the cultural evolution of humanity in the Aegean basin from the era of hunting and gathering (Palaeolithic-Mesolithic) through the early village farming stage (Neolithic) and the formative period of Aegean civilization into the age of the great palatial cultures of Minoan Crete and and Mycenaean Greece.
Die Internet Fährte der römischen Wölfin
Virtual Catalog of Roman Coins
These pages contain images and descriptions of coins from the Early Republic through the end of the 4th century A.D. and the formal division of the Roman Empire into east and west.
Zbiva is an archaeological database for eastern Alps and its surrounding regions in the early Middle Ages. According to the area, it covers the sites in Slovenia, Austria, on the NW Croatian coast, and in the NE regions in Italy, which are sometimes compared to sporadic sites from the neighbouring areas and previous era.
Butser Ancient Farm
Butser Ancient Farm is a replica of the sort of farm which would have existed in the British Iron Age circa 300 BC. It is essentially a large open air laboratory where research into the Iron Age and Roman periods goes on using the methods and materials which were available at that time, and also by applying modern science to ancient problems.
European Association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment
EXARC is a European network of Open Air Museums and other facilities envolved in Experimental Archaeology.
For the next 20 years, thirty five craftsmen and women will be building before your very eyes a medieval castle. They will do so following XIIIth century techniques. The natural site in the middle of the forest will provide them with all the building material necessary : wood, water, stone, earth, sand and iron.
Lejre Experimental Centre
Lejre Experimental Centre is a private foundation run on a non-profit basis. Thanks to a generous grant from the Carlsberg Foundation, the Centre was established in 1964 as an archaeological research station in a unique moraine landscape with woodland, lakes, bogs and fields. Here, professionals from within cultural-historical disciplines and the natural sciences met and continue to meet in order to produce new knowledge about people in the past, their living conditions, methods of cultivation etc. through practical experiments on a multidisciplinary basis.
Lothene Experimental Archaeology Group
Edinburgh based group involved in researching and recreating aspects of life in Scotland in the 11th Century.
Ancient World Mapping Center
An interdisciplinary research center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Mapping History Project
The Mapping History Project has been designed to provide interactive and animated representations of fundamental historical problems and/or illustrations of historical events, developments, and dynamics. The material is copyrighted, but is open and available to accademic users.
Encyclopedia Mythica
The Encyclopedia Mythica is an online encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legends. It currently contains over 6,100 entries on gods and goddesses, heroes, legendary creatures and beings from all over the world.
Archaeological museum Dubrovnik
Archaeological museum of Istria
Museum of croatian archaeological monuments - Split
Museum documentation centre
start page from where you can access all the museums in Croatia which have Internet pages on the MDC web
Archäologischer Park Carnuntum
Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
Museo Archeologico di Pithecusae
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli
Museo civico archeologico di Bologna
Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona
Museum of Classical Archaeology-University of Cambridge
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Prehistoric part of the Archaeological Exhibition of Budapest History Museum
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The National Museum of History in Sofia
A Landscape of Ancestors: The Heuneburg Archaeological Project
The Landscape of Ancestors project represents a long-term investigation of an early Iron Age archaeological landscape in southwestern Germany. The focus of this project is a group of burial mounds or tumuli associated with one of the best excavated and most extensively studied late Hallstatt period (~600-400 BC) hillfort settlements in western Europe, the Heuneburg.
Archterra Project
ArchTERA is an European project (INCO 977054) under Copernicus Programme dedicated to Extending the European Archaeology Web over Bulgaria, Romania and Poland
This Web site is designed for those interested in the ongoing excavations at Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Its aim is to provide information about the activities of the Project and of the different aspects of the research being conducted at Çatalhöyük.
Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum
CSL is a collaborative project among scholars from a variety of disciplines with the main purpose of creating a digital library of Latin literature, spanning from the earliest epigraphic remains to the Neo-Latinists of the eighteenth century.
Croato-Aegyptica Electronica
The goal of the project is to build an aimed and selected database of relevant monuments pertaining to cultural influences of Egyptian civilization in the Croatian historical area based on the institutional and private collections in Croatia.
Eternal Egypt
For the past three years, the Egyptian Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CultNat) and IBM have been working to bring the awe-inspiring experience of Egypt to the world through a project known as the Eternal Egypt. With the help of a $2.5 million grant of technology and expertise from IBM, the Eternal Egypt represents a unique partnership to use innovative IBM technologies and services to create an interactive, multimedia experience of Egyptian cultural artifacts, places and history for a global audience.
Hellenic History on the Internet
Machu Picchu 360
A complete virtual visit to the enigmatic city of Machu Picchu, the lost city of the Incas, cultural and natural heritage of the humanity.
collection of interactive QTVR panoramas for ancient Greek archaeological sites
The DELPHI project
At this website, you can find answers to questions concerning the past of Europe, as far as these can be answered through archaeology.
Theatre History in Europe: Architectural and Textual Resources Online
The TOMBA project
TOMBA is a multilingual internet image database for the tombs of the élites in Bronze and Early Iron Age Europe (2400/2300-480/450 BC).
Theban Mapping Project
Since its inception in 1978, the Theban Mapping Project (TMP, now based at the American University in Cairo) has been working to prepare a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes. With its thousands of tombs and temples, Thebes is one of the world's most important archaeological zones.
Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG)
AARG provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information for all those actively involved in aerial photography, photo interpretation, field archaeology and landscape history. This also includes the use of aerial photography in defining preservation policies for archaeological sites and landscapes.
Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Archaeology
(Burgundy, France)
Archaeological resource
French-English and German-English dictionaries for archaeologists
Archaeology Data Service (ADS)
ADS supports research, learning and teaching with high quality and dependable digital resources.
The official website of the Center for Archaeoastronomy and ISAAC, the International Society for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture.
Center for the Study of Eurasian Nomads
Croatian Language Online Repository
Croatian Language Technologies
European Association of Archaeologists
The website dedicated to sourcing flint, and similar materials.
Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) in Archaeology
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is the oldest producer of free electronic books (eBooks or etexts) on the Internet. Our collection of more than 13.000 eBooks was produced by hundreds of volunteers. Most of the Project Gutenberg eBooks are older literary works that are in the public domain in the United States. All may be freely downloaded and read, and redistributed for non-commercial use.
Project MUSE
Online database of more than 200 journals from nonprofit publishers.
The Aerial Archive
The Aerial Archive is located at the Institute for Prehistory and Protohistory of the University of Vienna.
Universities Worldwide
Searchable database of Universities around the world
Virtual Museum of Nautical Archaeology
Explore Institute of Nautical Archaeology's global projects and learn about the fascinating world of nautical archaeology.
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