Student archaeology club Faculty of Philosophy University of Zagreb

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International student conference "Archaeology & multidiscipline"

International student conference - Archaeology & multidiscipline

Student archaeology club (S.K.A.) organized a student conference "Archaeology and multidiscipline" that was held between 15th and 18th June 2006 in Dubovac Castle near Karlovac.

The central theme of the conference was the role of archaeology in modern science and its development in the future. In the last decades, science, including archaeology, is characterized with the specialization. This is opening new possibilities not only for better understanding of certain aspects, but is also giving the scientists from different fields of work new possibilities and means of collaboration. Today, archaeology is collaborating with numerous fields of science (biology, botany, physics, chemistry, geology...) and interests that it is sharing with other fields will have to be further developed in the future. The goal of this international student conference is to present the importance of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to science and to encourage that direction of development in archaeology.


  • Other fields of science in archaeology
    Application of social, physical, economical and other sciences in archaeology.
  • Meaning of archaeology to other fields of science
    The possibility of applying the archaeological method in other fields of science. The meaning of archaeology to other fields of science and to science in general.
  • Archaeology & technology
    Application of modern technologies in archaeological exploration. Informatization and digitalization of archaeology.

This conference was second meeting of this type (last year one was held in Slovenia, organized by Slovenian student archaeology club) and we hope that it represents a continuation of contacts of archaeology students in the area, as well as a platform for new ones.

Andrea Devlahović
e-mail: andreadevlahovic[at]

Filomena Sirovica
e-mail: fs0zg[at]

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