Student archaeology club Faculty of Philosophy University of Zagreb

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Totalno ouT - Clothing items of archaeological periods

The premiere of "Totalno ouT" project was on April 27th 2004. in SC club in Zagreb. The show was created and organised by the members of the Student Archaeology Club (SKA). On that occasion twelve costumes have been presented; a Neanderthal, two items from the period of the Neolithic, a costume of the Vučedol culture, a costume of the warrior from the Bronze age, a Iapodic costume (from the Iron age), a Celtic warrior costume, a Greek and a Roman costumes, a Slavic costume and finally a costume from the Early Croatian period.
The show has been presented on 7th International Youth Festival in Turkey in Antalya, where the students have presented Croatian archaeological and cultural heritage and archaeology in Croatia in general to their college students and youth from all over the world. During the year 2004. the show was presented in Vision, the Association for development and promotion of creative expression, in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, on the premises of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture on University of Zagreb Day and on the premises of the Faculty of Philosophy during the celebration of Faculty of Philosophy Day. On this occasion the project was awarded with the "Franjo Marković" award.

The costumes were made by Sara Popović, Ana Franjić, Vesna Zmaić and Filomena Sirovica, based on drawings of Željko Matuško who devised them according to existing reconstructions from the archaeological literature. Ivana Galović made the jewellery, Bojan Braun made the military equipment and Lana Dražić is the author of video projection that accompanies the show. This video projection gives a chronological overview of the most significant archaeological sites, finds and monuments from the period Palaeolithic to the Middle Ages, and it puts the costumes in certain frame. The whole programme is accompanied by text and music. The project was made in collaboration with Department of Archaeology of Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, Zagreb Municipal Museum, Brodsko Posavlje Museum and the students from the Department of Art History of Faculty of Philosophy and the Department of Restoration on the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb.
The project was made in collaboration with Department of Archaeology of Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, Zagreb Municipal Museum, Brodsko Posavlje Museum and the students from the Department of Art History of Faculty of Philosophy and the Department of Restoration on the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb.

It was our goal to present by this show the rich archaeological and cultural heritage of Croatia. The show on one hand illustrates the diversity of cultures and cultural groups that inhabited this area, and at the same time emphasises continuity of development of the cultures and also the unity and cohabitation of different cultures. The other goal of this project was to present Croatian archaeological heritage not only to the academic circles but to a broader audience. Our intention was not only to make a presentation of clothing items, but rather to act as incentive for the future explorations and a suggestion of how to present them. We wanted to help students in gathering new theoretical knowledge and experience in experimental archaeology and to encourage them to participate more actively on the Department of Archaeology.

neandertalac (srednji paleolitik)
Neanderthal (Middle Palaeolithic)
vučedolska kultura (eneolitik)
Vučedol culture (Eneolithic)
brončano doba
Bronze Age
Japodkinja (željezno doba)
woman of the Japodi tribe (Early Iron age)
Kelt (željezno doba)
The Celt
(Late Iron age)
Greek woman
rimski vojnik
Roman soldier
rano kršćanstvo
Early Christian Age
woman of the Slavic tribe
hrvatski dostojanstvenik
Early Croatian prince

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Filomena Sirovica
e-mail: fs0zg[at]

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