1st circular,
Zagreb, 12 May 2004
The Department of Archaeology, University of Zagreb, invites you to the International Conference:
Bronze and Early Iron Age Interconnections and Contemporary Developments between the Aegean and the Regions of the Balkan Peninsula, Central and Northern Europe
University of Zagreb, 11-14 April 2005
On behalf of the Organising Committee we are delighted to invite you to the first conference on Aegean Archaeology to be held at the University of Zagreb.
The topic is chosen in the light of the Emporia conference, recently held in Athens, which showed that there is a great interest amongst scholars in the contacts of Mediterranean prehistoric societies. We feel that the study should now be taken beyond the narrow focus of trade, and on this occasion we propose to examine the regions of the Aegean, the Balkans, Central and Northern Europe. There is still a tendency to consider the prehistoric archaeology of these areas in relatively isolated regional terms. To some extent this phenomenon is caused by current state borders, which have greatly limited comparative knowledge of the areas which may not have been unrelated in prehistoric times. Occasional discoveries of Aegean or Aegean-related objects in the areas to the north, or vice-versa, remind us that we should consider Aegean and European material in the context of their mutual influences and interconnections. To establish the presence or absence of contacts or parallel developments, and to asses their character, duration, importance and role, we should engage in a more detailed comparative study of the described areas.
Please communicate your interest in participating in this conference before 30 June 2004 to the contact-person given below. In order to speed up the process, communication via e-mail would be particularly appreciated. The deadline for abstracts is 30 November 2004, and the official languages of the conference are English and French. It is our intention to publish the presented papers as a separate volume of the Aegaeum series, whose general editor is Prof. Laffineur of the University of Ličge.
We look forward to seeing you in Zagreb next April.
Prof. Mirjana Sanader, Head of the Department of Archaeology
Prof. Marina Milićević-Bradač, Director of Studies in Classical Archaeology
Dr. Helena Tomas, Organiser on behalf the University of Zagreb
Organising Committee:
Robert Laffineur (R.Laffineur@ulg.ac.be)
Ioanna Galanaki (ioanna.galanaki@durham.ac.uk)
Helena Tomas (htomas@ffzg.hr)
Yannis Galanakis (ioannis.galanakis@keble.ox.ac.uk)
Stelios Andreou
John Bennet
Jan Bouzek
Nenad Cambi
Advisory Board:
Jack Davis
Florens Felten
Anthony Harding
Reinhard Jung
Manfred Korfmann
Joseph Maran
Andrew Sherratt
Sue Sherratt
Please Contact:
in Croatia:
Helena Tomas
Department of Archaeology
Faculty of Philosophy
Ivana Lučića 3
10 000 Zagreb
e-mail: htomas@ffzg.hr
TEL: ++385 (0)98 316992
FAX: ++385 (0)1 6120237
or, in Greece:
Ioanna Galanaki
British School at Athens
Souedias 52
106 76 Athens
e-mail: ioanna.galanaki@durham.ac.uk
TEL: ++30 697 7071145
FAX: ++30 210 7221468